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Olá! Este blog tem por objetivo divulgar idéias, eventos e publicações relativos à Teoria da História e à História da Historiografia, de modo a constituir mais um canal de informação e incentivo ao estudo desses domínios.

Hello! Este blog tiene como objetivo difundir ideas, eventos y publicaciones relacionadas con la Teoría de la Historia y la Historia de la Historiografía,con el fin de proporcionar un canal adicional de información e incentivos para estudiar estas áreas.

Hello! This blog aims to disseminate ideas, events and publications related to the Theory of History and the History of Historiography, in order to provide another channel of information and incentive to study these areas.

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

History of Historiography (História da Historiografia)Call for papers to the dossier History and Biography: approaches, challenges and theoretical implications in the field of historiographyDate: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 11:03:22 -0300 From: historiografia@ufop.brDear Colleagues,The executive board of the journal History of Historiography is pleased to make the call to the public dossier "History and Biography: approaches, challenges and theoretical implications in the field of historiography," being organized by Marcia de Almeida Gonçalves (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) and Maria da Gloria de Oliveira (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro). The proposal is to bring together the dossier original articles (in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish) on the topic of relations between these two genres of writing, history and biography, from the perspective of the theory of history and the history of historiography, which contribute to in-depth reflections on the uses of biography by historians, the tensions, the distances, challenges, limits and possibilities of research, even the theoretical and epistemological implications in the field of historiography.Those interested in submitting papers for publication in this dossier should send them to the day December 15, 2011 through the magazine's website / RHH. We kindly ask you to check the editorial standards # onlineSubmissions, as well as the Bank of keywords http://www.ichs / RHH / index.php / magazine / about / keywords. All submissions that do not comply with the standards of publication will be returned.
Arthur Assis (Universidade de Brasília)Julio Bentivoglio (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo)Rebeca Gontijo (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro)History of Historiography

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